Gov. Bev Perdue's favorability rating continues to slide in our latest poll.
Her favorability rating dropped from 58-20 in March to 44-35 in April, a net change of 29 points. That is a enormous decline for one month. There almost seems to be a direct correlation between the state's unemployment rate and her favorability rating. As unemployment goes up, the Governor's numbers get worse.
And we were in the field with our poll before she announced the 0.5% pay cut for teachers and state employees, so some of her base that were giving her favorable ratings may have reevaluated their position.'s Nate Silver notes that low gubernatorial ratings are fairly widespread across the nation.
Perdue is surely feeling the effect of this and with budget and unemployment numbers worsening seemingly by the day, it's fairly safe to say she hasn't hit bottom yet.
Stay tuned for next month, this could get interesting.
Full release and crosstabs here.
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